Thursday, February 24, 2011

June Cleaver

Have you ever wanted to be June Cleaver, with the tiny waist, pearls and immaculate house?  Did you ever notice she always wore heels too?   I was pondering this as I wrestled with my curly wisps of wire I call hair.  I was in my (rather Curt's and mine) bathroom and happen to notice that there were little soldiers, firemen and dinosaurs left in the tub, dried toothpaste in a dribble pattern in the sink and someone thought leaving little squares of toilet paper scattered on the floor was a good idea.  On the vanity there were 3 different brushes, ( one which is Curt's which is funny in itself if you knew him, or rather his "hairline") 2 different hair products promising the same results, (liars!) and a used tissue.

Sighing deeply, I picked up the tissue and toilet paper, washing my hands I did a quick rinse of the sink, flushed the toilet "just in case", (didn't want to raise the lid to look) put away the hair products and looked in the bathtub and thought, "Oh what's the use? They'd be back tonight."   I wondered if the Beaver ever left toys in the tub?

Then I thought about how June had a hot breakfast waiting with coffee cups with saucers, eggs and oatmeal and toast. She's perky, obviously the  1st one up in the morning and has lipstick on. My kids get up and fend for themselves with cereal and bagels and juice.  I stumble out of bed a 1/2 hour after them, kicking out whichever one of them happens to be in my bathroom at the time.  I always want to remind them they have a double sink bathroom downstairs, that is UNOCCUPIED!  I'm never coherent enough to get that thought out into actual words at that time, though.  I make coffee, make what ever lunches need to be made, referee what ever arguement is going on, inspect the clothes selected for the day and  have them ready to go out the door by the time the bus arrives, hopefully with lunch money, homework, hair combed and a quick prayer.

Then I enjoy my first cup of coffee, as I apply my makeup and detangle my hair which is where this comparison to June Cleaver began in the first place.   I may not be a morning person, I have dust bunnies and fingerprints on the windows, and the beds gets left unmade more often than not, my waist is not tiny, my pearls are in the jewelry box and wearing heels kill my toes.

SIGH.... I am no June Cleaver, but I am the MOM of this domain, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  It does make me think perhaps, maybe I should hire a housekeeper to come in once a week...

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