Thursday, January 27, 2011

Inspire Me!

Alright, here we go! Movie in, ready to go, water bottle handy.  Let's get a little wild and do a preset program!  Hmmm... not too bad yet, not sweating yet...(of course, I have 3 different fans on various speeds pointing directly at me trying to avoid the unavoidable.)  Here we go, my faithful, always waiting in the corner of the basement for me treadmill.  

After what seemed an awfully long, tedious amount of time,(5 minutes) I was finally feeling a bit flushed and breathing a bit harder... when BAM! My treadmill decided to go on an incline, a steep incline, and my little light went from flashing fat burn to aerobic, whoo hoo we are goin' now! That elation lasted about a whole 15 seconds as I started breathing a bit harder, then whoops! Incline again! and aerobics flashed, then endurance flashed, then aerobics and I'm beginning to see Jillian Michaels' face screaming, "Faster, faster what do you think this is a cake walk!!?" Hmmm... cake, oohh  I could make... AACK I say to myself, "Snap out of it, concentrate!"  I was breathing hard, nostrils flaring, and mercifully, the incline went down a bit and I'm looking at the program thinking, Wow, must've burned 100 calories! 47.  That is it. Oh and I burned 2 carbs. I could've cried.  Of course I'd only been on the treadmill 10 minutes.  It felt like an hour!!!  I need inspiration or this may not last long.  I'd gotten out my skinny pictures, the pre-baby ones, trying to inspire myself, didn't work.   ****sigh**** its gonna take time, a whole lotta patience and  time as the song goes....RIP George Harrison...

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