Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wrong Day to Start?

My sister Kristi is an inspiration,  she's a woman to aspire to, and has had a great influence on me my entire life.  So if this blog sucks, blame her, she encourage me to do this....just kidding, she's an accomplished writer, a published writer and I am just the little sis following in her footsteps once again...

However, this may be the wrong day to start,  I have two vomiting children, 2 teething daycare babes, and PMS that decided to stay an extra week for the fun of it.    (WHERE is that TWIX??!)

I think the title of my blog suites me.  I always have coffee,  the real stuff, none of that fru-fru stuff.  I usually have real cream on hand too.   More than likely I have a baked goodie or two in the house.  Right now I'm thinking of the cheesecake with chocolate biscotti crust in my freezer, or the "to die for" bars on the kitchen counter hmmm..... be right back......
I am one that is NEVER out of conversation either.  In high school I got laryngitis and thought I was going to die.  Another story for another day....

1 comment:

  1. "Wrong day to start?"...NO, definitely NOT...You started on your sister's anniversary, and being she's your inspiration, I would think that would be a perfect day to start!!! "Coffee, Cake, and Conversation..." sounds like the perfect title, too...those "to die for" bars on your kitchen counter sound really yummy!!! Bet they're eaten up by now... :) Glad you started your blog, cousin!!!
    ~ Lori Waterworth
