Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Skinny Girl

The skinny girl in me wants OUT!  Wants back what once was!  And its gonna take unfortunately, lots of sweat.... as in exercise.... did I mention how I hate to sweat?  I lived in Tx for awhile and although the experience was overall great, (found my husband there ☺) I hated sweating.  I'd step out of my pink bus (another story) and instant sweat. The kind that rolls down your back and melts the makeup, droops the hair, and leaves one feeling drained and exhausted.   Yup, same with exercise and I'm suppose to do it on purpose!   So maybe that will be the first theme of this blog.  It seems every blog has a theme of some sort.  I know some people will be surprised its not about my passion: cooking/baking.  Maybe after this nasty business of losing  "the weight" (said in a muffled whisper).   So, Bon Voyage, I'm off to begin an unpleasant but beneficial adventure.........

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